Explore our list of approved agents who can guide you through the enrollment process, provide expert advice, and help you choose the right course.

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There are currently 9 names in this directory beginning with the letter C.
Career Consulting Professional Pty Ltd
Contact: Saroj Prakash Sharma
Level 6, 263 Clarence Street, 
Sydney, NSW 2000
Phone: +61 2 9269 0070
Mobile: 0402124204
Email: saroj.sharma@experteducation.com.au
Web: www.experteducation.com.au

Career Education Consultancy Australia
Level 7, Suite 703, 227 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Ph: 03 9663 1318
Email: info@ceca.com.au
Web: www.ceca.com.au

Career Wings Pvt Ltd
New Baneshwor (Way to Thapagaun - 10)
Kathmandu, Nepal 44600
Ph: +977-01 4462474
Email: Careerwingspr@gmail.com

CBG Global (Creative Business Group Pty Ltd)
Suite 15, 168-172 Haldon Street Lakemba, NSW 2195 Ph: 02 8021 7702 Email: support@acicglobal.com.au

Chiao Education
Alina Huang
25 Bedervale Drive,
Templestowe VIC 3106
E: mailnatehuang@gmail.com

Coach Education and Migration Services
Contact: Kazi Moinul Alam
Address: 43B Haldon Street Lakemba, NSW 2195
E: info@coachedu.com.au

Comfort Migration and Training Zone
Address: 1/27 Belinda Crescent Doncaster East VIC 3109
E: info@cmatz.com.au

Connect Globe Education Group
Bagbazar-31, Kathmandu, Nepal
P.O.Box: 21460, Sundhara, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel: +977-1-4245374/9851014436
Email: info.cgeg@gmail.com / intl.cgeg@gmail.com
Website: www.cgeg.com.np

Cosmos Consulting
Level 7, Suite 702, 250 Pitt Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: +61 2 9283 1907
Mobile: +61 403 718 016
Email: lok@cosmosconsulting.com.au