ETEA recognises AQF qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by any other Registered Training Organisation in Australia. Students may request credit for a whole unit or course/program based on study in an unit or course/program at another institution that is within the same Training Package. Suitable documentation such as a Statement of Attainment must be provided when applying for Credit Transfer or National Recognition.

What is Credit Transfer?

Credit transfer assesses the initial course or subject that an individual’s using to claim access to, or the award of credit in, a destination course. The assessment determines the extent to which the client’s initial course or subject is equivalent to the required learning outcomes, competency outcomes, or standards in a qualification. This may include credit transfer based on formal learning that is outside the AQF.

What is National Recognition?

Recognition by an RTO of the AQF qualifications and statements of attainment issued by all other RTO in all state and territories, thereby enabling national recognition of the qualifications and statements of attainment issued to any person.

How to apply

  1. You can apply for Credit Transfer or National Recognition before or after enrolling in the courses. If it is applied for after enrolment it should be applied within 2 weeks of the Course Commencement date.
  2. ETEA will ensure that all CT or National Recognition applicants are provided with:
    1. CT and National Recognition information including (Course credit form):
      • Application form (is available on ETEA’s website and on request from the ITC/State Educator);
      • Information on all aspects of collecting and submitting evidence of attainment of the unit(s)/course, which were obtained at another RTO (i.e. transcripts/certificates) prior to submitting a CT or National Recognition application.
    2. Support and guidance in completing the CT or the National Recognition application form;
    3. The opportunity to obtain feedback and/or further information on completing all aspects of the CT or the National Recognition application prior to submission.
  3. All documentary evidence of training, including Certificates/Diplomas, Statement of Results and Statement of Attainment provided must be original, official or certified documents and must be signed and sealed by the issuing Australian RTO.
  4. Once the CT or the National Recognition application is submitted and received by ETEA the application will be checked and verified to ensure that all details of the applicant, course, units of competency, evidence and payment are correct. ETEA will endeavour to inform the applicant within ten (10) working days of receiving the application with:
    • any inconsistency or erroneous data/information supplied;
    • any evidence material supplied which does not fulfil the evidence requirements.
    • On completion of the CT or the National Recognition application, it will be forwarded to the ITC/State Educator who then validates and ratifies the Course Credit form.
    • The applicant is advised of the Course Credit application outcome and of ETEA’s Complaints and Appeals procedure (only if unsuccessful).
    • All the records of CT or the National Recognition will be maintained on individual student file.
    • Data to be entered on the Student Electronic Management System once CT or the National Recognition process is completed.

If you are applying for Credit Transfer and require assistance with completing the application you should Contact us.

In the event that your application for Credit Transfer has not been successful you may refer to ETEA’s complaints and appeals process.


Domestic Course Credit Policy & Procedure

International Course Credit Policy & Procedure

Credit Transfer Form

What is RPL?

Recognition of prior learning is a process where a person with work experience, can have their skills and knowledge assessed, with the aim of getting a formal qualification.

Are you eligible?

  • Experience based on volunteer work
  • Formal or non-formal training
  • Paid or un-paid work experience
  • Work skills or knowledge

If you have answered YES to any of the questions above you may be eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning.

What are the benefits of RPL?

If you receive recognition for your industry experience, skills and knowledge, it may lead to:

  • A full or partial nationally recognized industry qualification
  • Only do the training you need to do
  • Well supported
  • Save time by not attending unnecessary classes
  • Complete your accredited qualification and get into workforce sooner
  • Boosts your morale by acknowledging your experience

A qualification can help you too:

  • Enter or re-enter in the workforce
  • Change careers
  • Get a promotion
  • Improve your job security

Employer benefits:

  • Meet and exceed industry requirements
  • Help identify skills gaps
  • Helps to achieve the skills development plan

Case Study

Linda has been working in the health sector as a personal carer for the past 18 years, at times her job involves supervising and mentoring new workers. She has a Certificate III in Aged Care but requires a formal Certificate IV in Aged Care to get the promotions as a supervisor. Linda prepared a portfolio of evidence and submitted it to ETEA. The portfolio included certificates and statements of her qualifications and her experience signed off by her supervisor. She then underwent an interview with an assessor who asked her questions related to the qualification, the assessor also observed Linda demonstrate her skills in her workplace. The assessor was satisfied with the evidences Linda provided and so Linda was issues with a qualification.

What does it cost?

You may be eligible for Government funding if you are in New South Wales. Contact us to find out more information.

What do I do?

Please fill the application form below. After you submit this information to ETEA, we will send you Part 1 of the RPL kit. An assessor will then review it, and you will be contacted to discuss your application and the associated fees.

RPL Application form

For any queries, please reach out to ETEA at 131389. We will provide you with support and advice on the recognition process. You will be guided through the RPL process and would be required to provide evidence of your industry experience, skills and knowledge. Evidence may include:

  • A qualification or other industry training
  • Workplace training
  • Membership of a professional association
  • Job description/Position description
  • Reference letters
  • Curriculum vitae (CV)/Resume
  • Third party report (report written by your line manager, colleague or client)
  • Assessor interview report
  • An observation report
  • An assessor’s oral questions report

If you are interested please have a look at our courses

Students with special needs are students with disabilities, health related conditions or learning difficulties. The term disability encompasses children with an intellectual disability, physical disability, vision impairment, hearing impairment, language disorder, mental health condition or autism. Some student’s might have specific learning needs which could include ESL learners with varying levels of language, literacy and conceptual understanding.

Refer to our special needs policy below to understand how ETEA can assist you

Student Support Policy and Procedure – Domestic & International

Qualification to be issued

Students completing all assessment requirements for a qualification will be awarded a certificate corresponding to the completed qualifications. Students completing assessment requirements for part of a qualification will be awarded a Statement of Attainment indicating which modules or units of competency they have completed.

Access to students results

Students can access their results by filling out the request form and submitting it to ETEA’s student administration officer.

ETEA understands from time to time we will need to refund students. It is important that you make yourself familiar with the terms and conditions in which refunds will apply.
Domestic Refund Policy

International Refund Policy

If you have already made a tuition fee payment and require a refund, under the terms and conditions of the policy, please complete the following form:
Refund Application Form

ETEA’s responsibility is to provide an inclusive learning environment. Our Student Code of Conduct has been formulated as a set of principles for all students to follow and adhere to. It provides a clear statement of what is expected of students in regards to study and personal behaviour.

ETEA expects that students will be committed to their studies, interact in a positive and respectful manner with both staff and students and operate in an ethical manner. Our policy provides details of expectations of student behaviour/conduct.

Student Code of Conduct

The purpose of this Access and Equity Policy is to provide a set of principles which underpin the provision of education services by ETEA and a learning environment which is free from discrimination, harassment and victimisation.

ETEA is committed to protecting the rights of each individual to ensure no individual participant will be discriminated against (and access to courses will not be limited) on the basis of:

  • Gender
  • Sexual orientation
  • Race
  • Religious or political conviction
  • Disability (learning)
  • Age

At ETEA, we make every possible effort to ensure that training services are delivered in a non-discriminatory, open and respectful manner. We strive for an inclusive learning environment with all of your individual learning needs being met.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are encouraged to apply.

ETEA Access and Equity Policy and Procedure

Qualification to be issued

Students completing all assessment requirements for a qualification will be awarded a certificate corresponding to the completed qualifications. Students completing assessment requirements for part of a qualification will be awarded a Statement of Attainment indicating which modules or units of competency they have completed.

Access to students results

Students can access their results by filling out the request form and submitting it to ETEA’s student administration officer.

ETEA is committed to respecting the privacy of all personal information as well as complying with the relevant state and federal laws and principles on privacy, including the 13 Australian Privacy Principles.

Where legally possible, personal information held by ETEA about an individual may be accessed by that particular individual upon request to the student administration coordinator. We endeavour to ensure all of our information about an individual is accurate and current, but if inaccuracies are identified by the individual we will take appropriate steps to correct the information.

All requested information will be provided within 5 business days from receipt of the request.

To access your own student records, please fill in the ‘Student Request Form’ and email the completed form to 


Student Request Form